Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 3!

Today we studied about archaeologists in history, which the boys loved.  We read the section in Story of the World and also read the book The Magic Treehouse Shows and Tells.  The boys did narrations and drawings about what an archaeologist does.  I had planned to do the archaeological dig on Friday, but it has been raining for the past few days and the forecast calls for more rain.  I think I am going to pull out their excavation kits and let them work on those instead.  We will see how the weather goes. 

A good thing about the rain is that we can measure how much it rains each day and record that as part of our nature study this week.  Today there was 1.4 inches in the rain gauge.  That is probably the amount we have gotten over the last couple of days.  We are going to continue to check it over the next few days and then I will have Isaac write about our findings.  I may look up average rainfall for this time of year in our area because this is not normal for us! 

Isaac started reading The Chalk Box Kid and Ethan read a couple of the early readers we have on their bookshelves.  I pulled out a Kindergarten workbook for Ethan to work in after he finished the rest of his work, to keep him busy while Isaac was finishing. Both of the boys seem to be enjoying all of their subjects.  As we go through the year, I hope I will be able to determine how well the curriculum fits and if we need to make any major changes for next year.

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