I have been working on getting the boys to do more around the house, and getting them up and getting things done in the morning. I came up with this chore chart, and we started using it yesterday. So far, it is working pretty well. I think the boys really like moving their cards and completing their "trains".
At night I put 4 laminated cards in their clothespins. They will always include brushing teeth and making the bed, and the other two will change daily. As they complete each chore, they move the card from the clothespin to the velcro dots by their names. The cards on the right side are the chores that are not being used that day. The rotating chores include watering the plants, dusting, vacuuming, helping with the dishes, picking up the toys from around the house, picking up dirty laundry, cleaning the sink in the bathroom they use, and taking the trash to the curb.
We also finished The Magician's Nephew last night and are looking forward to beginning The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe tonight.
What a cute and creative idea!