Monday, June 11, 2012

We recently finished reading Little Pilgrim's Progress to our boys.  It took a while for us to get all the way through it, as we just read one chapter a night and there are over 90 chapters.  The boys loved this book, and their retention of the story and the things that happened to each of the characters was very good.  They were both also able to take the lessons in the story and apply them to their lives. The story follows two separate journeys to the Celestial City, one by a boy named Christian and the other by a girl named Christiana. We used the study guide by Christian Novel Studies to go along with the book.  We didn't do many of the activities, as we read the book as a bedtime story, but the questions that went along with each chapter were a good way to review what the story was about.  They were not too difficult that the boys (7 and 5) could not answer them, but some of them did lead us into good discussion.  I highly recommend this book to parents of children 5-12 as a read-aloud.

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